頽廢了好久。。。都沒心情做紙模型,並不是因爲天氣太熱,也不是因爲沉迷于其他電腦遊戲,小説之類的東西。。。。而是因爲硬盤壞掉了!!! 非常震驚,狂怒,悲傷,但都於事無補。。。壞掉就是壞掉了。。。再怎麽生氣難過也救不回來它裏面的重要檔案,文件,數據,電影,遊戲。。。以及最珍視的紙模型。。。。
一整個生活好像失去了重心,有些東西失去了再也囘不來了。。。備份的重要性 我不是不曉得,早在八年前因爲沒備份而失去大學時期的點點滴滴的我早已了解。問題是這次壞的硬盤是新的。。。用不到三個月,而且我還把舊的數據,備份全都搬到它裏面。爲什麽這麽做?因爲硬盤是新的,500GB那麽大,分了五個分區,誰想得到那麽快就死掉了??? 天殺的Seagate.....
Felt like living in hell for the past few weeks, hardly had any mood to carry on papercrafting....it wasn't because of the killing hot weather, not because of addiction to computer games or books or anything, but its a deadly HARDDISC FAILURE!!! Caught by surprise filled with rage and sadness but it ain't gonna help....whatever gone is gone....all my important data, movies, games....and especially my papermodels!!!
It's not like I don't understand the importance of backup, been through once 8 years ago when my 20GB harddisc died with all my university memories....but this harddisc is brand new!!! A 500GB seagate that merely worked for 3 months!!!
現在我只能夠利用舊的數據....三個月前的數據....但是天曉得我怎麽在這三個月内瘋狂下載了那麽多東西.....有些還是找不囘, 可與不可求的東西.....唉 算了 我還是趕緊振作起來, 繼續紙模型之旅吧~ 再見了 Seagate 500GB Baraccuda 7200.11 硬盤...
Though I still have my 3 month's old backup, which has alot less data inside......can't really remember how did I manage to download such massive amount of papermodels and movies with just over 3 months....damn! Good bye Seagate 500GB Baraccuda 7200.11, don't wish to see you anymore!!! I'll need to search and download alot of things that have been gone in order to continue with my papercrafting fun....hope it won't be long....
一整個生活好像失去了重心,有些東西失去了再也囘不來了。。。備份的重要性 我不是不曉得,早在八年前因爲沒備份而失去大學時期的點點滴滴的我早已了解。問題是這次壞的硬盤是新的。。。用不到三個月,而且我還把舊的數據,備份全都搬到它裏面。爲什麽這麽做?因爲硬盤是新的,500GB那麽大,分了五個分區,誰想得到那麽快就死掉了??? 天殺的Seagate.....
Felt like living in hell for the past few weeks, hardly had any mood to carry on papercrafting....it wasn't because of the killing hot weather, not because of addiction to computer games or books or anything, but its a deadly HARDDISC FAILURE!!! Caught by surprise filled with rage and sadness but it ain't gonna help....whatever gone is gone....all my important data, movies, games....and especially my papermodels!!!
It's not like I don't understand the importance of backup, been through once 8 years ago when my 20GB harddisc died with all my university memories....but this harddisc is brand new!!! A 500GB seagate that merely worked for 3 months!!!
現在我只能夠利用舊的數據....三個月前的數據....但是天曉得我怎麽在這三個月内瘋狂下載了那麽多東西.....有些還是找不囘, 可與不可求的東西.....唉 算了 我還是趕緊振作起來, 繼續紙模型之旅吧~ 再見了 Seagate 500GB Baraccuda 7200.11 硬盤...
Though I still have my 3 month's old backup, which has alot less data inside......can't really remember how did I manage to download such massive amount of papermodels and movies with just over 3 months....damn! Good bye Seagate 500GB Baraccuda 7200.11, don't wish to see you anymore!!! I'll need to search and download alot of things that have been gone in order to continue with my papercrafting fun....hope it won't be long....