Monday, December 21, 2009

聖誕可愛小擺設 Some Christmas Deco

聖誕節快到了,就想做點什麽來應景應景一番。想到了 時里嶺 2005年的作品很可愛 (也很簡易 XD),就來動手吧~~~
Since Christmas is just around the corner, cute little christmas deco would be nice, 時里嶺 's 2005 product is just the right thing.

To start with, little Rudolph~

這個角度脖子上的小吊鈡看不出來 >.<
Argh! The little bell hanging on the neck can't be seen from these angle >.<

然後就是雪橇呀雪橇 ~.^
Next will be the Sledge ^^

雪橇上還載了個有大紅蝴蝶結的禮物呢 ^^
Sledge with a big red ribbon present box to be deliver, hohoho

Hey look, its Santa Claus!!!!

With all that completed, you have yourself a set of decent X-mas Deco!

然後我就開始想說,獨樂樂不如眾樂樂,身邊的幾位朋友,以及最近玩噗浪上所認識的一些朋友們,大家都來開心開心一下吧~ 就有了以下的克隆事件 XD
Thus I wanna share my happiness with my buddies and also some plurk mates, I decided to clone this set of little deco and here's what I end up with.....

Santa cloned 6 Rudolphs!!!

聖誕軍團降臨~~~ …………
And he also cloned himself, creating an Army of X-mas XD

一開始我本著好玩的心情來做,悠閒悠閒的慢慢做,結果我高估了我自己動手能力的速度。。。兩三天一套的速度實在是太慢了 >.< 不得已之下,採取了批量式生産 (就是把4套的零件全部切割好,然後再一次過粘貼四套起來。。。) 熟能生巧這句老話還真的是很有道理的。。。搞到現在我基本上可以一天一套,或是兩天三套的速度在做了 XD
雖然做的蠻累的,睡眠品質也不好,不過看到朋友們很開心的收下這套聖誕擺設的時候,頓時覺得這一切都是值得的! 呵呵 祝大家聖誕快樂!

I was quite slow in making each of these deco set, about 2-3 days time per set, until I finally decided to speed up things by cutting out all the parts of about 4 sets and and glue them together to complete 4 sets in about 3 days time. Having to make so many sets in a few weeks time, I can now complete 3 sets in 2 days time, but it will be very very tiring.....
However, when I pass these little things to my friends, seeing their delighted faces and the happiness (of which I felt XD) all the tiredness just seems to be vanished and I'm contented ^^

Merry Christmas to Everyone ~ Hohohoho~

Saturday, October 3, 2009

刺蝟 Hedgehog

Saw the new cute hedgehog released on Canon's papercraft site, plus my sister had been keeping hedgehog as pet for quite sometime, I suddenly felt like making these hedgehog papercraft ^^

圖紙非常簡單,只有一張 ^^
Very simple template, just 1 paper.

Hedgehog's Head and stomach

Hedgehog's spiky body~~~

Hedgehog done~

Time to get the real hedgehog to meet the paper one!

They looks real from a certain distance, quite fun to toy with ^^

Try it, its worth it! ;)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Monster Hunter Cat Airou 魔物獵人裏的貓 - 艾路

托天才建模師Pongoo的福,有幸嘗試了非機械類的紙模型,是一只可愛又逗趣地貓 - 艾路。(據説是熱門遊戲魔物獵人裏面的貓奴,但是對於好幾年沒接觸遊戲的我,是一知半解呀。。。苦笑)說起來,如果不知道的人可以看看以下的照片,這就是艾路~~~
Thanks to da genius papermodeler Pongoo for giving the change to made Airou, the cat slaves in PS2 famous game, Monster Hunter. For those of you who do not know what is Monster Hunter or Airou is, below are pictures of cat Airou ^^

5 pieces of templates, fairly simple.

武器 - 石榔頭
Weapon - Stone Hammer

火藥桶 ~~~ 據説是艾路的標誌?
Fire Powder Barrel that Airou carries around

Airou's armory

Here comes the helmet :P

戴上頭盔的火藥桶。。。我承認我無聊 XD
Helmet sits perfectly on the barrel, lol

This is the lower body of Airou~~~

Airou's head~

它有在笑耶 XD
Airou's smiling to us!!!

Tragedy happens here....the camera needs charging, and I accidentally completed the upper parts of Airou's body without taking photos of the parts before assembly....clumsy me...>.<

Upper body waiting to be assembled...

完成了, 艾路出發吧!
Final product ^^

Close up shot

Airou says "Bye for now~"