Wednesday, April 29, 2009

吉普森吉他 Gibson Les Paul Junior Guitar

隨著科技的進步,隨身聽, MP3以及手機越來越普遍之後,音樂已經成了生活中所不可或缺的一個元素,沒有音樂的人生。。。。那多無聊? ^^ 音樂的創造當然離不開樂器了,相較于鋼琴,小提琴大提琴之類的,吉他應該是比較容易上手的樂器之一。

Nowadays, music has been part of our daily life, can you imagine life without music? I guess it will be so boring and unbearable... Guitar has been easily one of the most popular musical instrument being used for music composing, its cool to play guitar :D

Let's take a look about Gibson Les Paul Junior Paper Guitar~~~

Saturday, April 25, 2009

建次計劃04 Project Canti 04


The Palms.....are actually the hardest part of this Canti paper-model. The normal palms are just a little troublesome to make, but the knuckles shape one had really given me some hard time in completing them!

First of all, the normal palms

握拳的手掌,夢魘般的手呀~~~ ^^"
Behold, here comes the hardest part of Canti ~~~ ^^"

Even though I have the PDO file of Canti to refer to, it still took me 2 days time to assemble this pair of knuckle... >.<

不同形態手掌的建次 ^^
Canti with different palms~~~

Friday, April 24, 2009

建次計劃03 Project Canti 03

雙手的製作過程其實手臂還蠻簡單的,除了手掌那部分以外。。。最吸引我的地方是手臂的流綫型曲綫,算是挺有特色的一對手臂。 ^^

The arms of Canti is quite enjoyable to make...err that excludes the palms, which causes me to headache whenever I think of them. But the arms are in fact very unique ~~~ ^^

Parts of the arms

D.I.Y. Joints of the fore-arms

D.I.Y. Joints of the elbows

Movable range of the arms

Canti with arms!!!

Testing of replaceable facial expression.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

建次計劃02 Project Canti 02

繼續製作~~~ 這次是腰部的製作過程。因爲想要能夠動的建次所以腰部也作了可左右移動的關節處理,然後胯部大腿根那裏也作了關節處理。

Lets continue with the making of waist of Canti~~~ I have DIY a few moveable joints for the body-waist, waist-lower body and also the thighs. Hope they works fine...

Little parts on the head and body~~~

可愛的小型推進器. ^^
Cute little thrusters, lol

Monday, April 20, 2009

建次計劃01 Project Canti 01

2000-2001年間曾經有過一套動漫,6部OVA的 "FLCL" . 故事大概是關於一個小男孩處於青春期的煩惱,迷惘以及好笑的事情,雖然整套動漫都很無哩頭但是還挺不錯的。

Does anyone remember "FLCL"? This 6 OVA anime was released during 2000-2001, the story was about a little boy hitting puberty, all his dilemma, desperation and funny experiences. The story is crazy and hilarious, thus making it a very enjoyable anime.

過了這麽久實際上我自己已經不太記得清這套動漫的故事,但是對動畫裏面的機器人倒是很有印象的,戰鬥能力一級棒又能變形。。。太強了 呵呵。所以當Pongoo在4洽上釋放他的3d檔案時我真是激動到不行,謝謝他的健模~~~ ^^

It has been so long now, I can't recall the whole storyline clearly....but it is not a problem for me to recognize Canti on /po/ the minute Pongoo release it, the instant I downloaded and starting to work on it.

因爲我每天只有幾個小時的時間來製作紙模型(什麽?幾個小時已經很多了?拜托。。。我。。。我承認我手工很慢好了。。。>.<),再加上我打算加一些活動關節,所以我斷斷續續都拆了大半年才拆好這個模型。最近開始動工了~~~~ 先開始的當然是頭以及身體啦~~~ Since I only have a couple of hours to work on paper-models everyday, plus I wanted to DIY some moveable joints on ma Canti, therefore it took me about six months to complete DIY the templates......Now let's start with the Head and body of Canti ^^

Making of the head

Making of the body