Monday, June 7, 2010

超時空要塞-戰鬥機器人 Macross - Valkyrie VF-1J

既然有了戰鬥囊機器人,怎麽可能少了VF-1J機器人呢?超時空要塞裏面最吸引我的莫過於此角色,小的時候真的是萬分的喜愛呀。帥氣的主角駕駛機器人消滅敵人,小男生很難不喜歡吧?XD 不太清楚作者是誰,不過我是在國外的一個網站上下載的。點我
Here is the VF-1J Valkyrie from the Macross Series, used to be one of my favorite robots during my chilhood, ability to tranform from Jet Fighters into Robot is just so cool back in the days... Not sure who is the author, but I got it from here.

Head and Body parts

Arms and Palms

Legs of Valkyrie

The Thruster and wings

2 types of head, switchable depends on personal preferences

簡易的槍砲 (超簡易的)

Assembly of all parts

感覺上還不錯看 ^^
Not bad, not bad at all....:P

剛好一位老同學對於超時空要塞非常的喜愛,我就把 殘破的建築物戰鬥囊機器人以及這個VF-1J機器人混在一起,湊成了一個不成熟的迷你場景給他作爲生日禮物。希望他會喜歡吧。~^^~
An old friend of mine loves Macross Valkyrie alot, so I decided to make a birthday present for him using the ruin buildings, Zentraedi Battlepod, and this VF-1J Valkyrie. Hope he likes it XD

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