Saturday, June 20, 2009

自由的雙子星(上) Twin Freedom (Part 1 of 2)

近一個月都沒更新,因爲我都在忙簡易版自由鋼彈的製作。 奈何速度實在是快不上去,而且偶爾還偷偷懶什麽的。。。進度都落下了。。。。到現在才完成一半而已。。。呵呵
這個簡易版的自由鋼彈是糖果刺蝟這位高手所製作,有興趣的朋友可以去 Cardmodel網站或者是Ppxclub的紙娛紙樂那裏下載。 雖然是簡易版本的模型,但是也很漂亮的呢!

I have been busy with the making of this simplified version of Freedom Gundam papermodel since last month....although it has been about one month since I last update here, I only completed half of this model due to various of reasons..... Well let's forget about that ^^", I would like to introduce this Freedom Gundam made by 糖果刺蝟, a very talented papermodel designer from China. Those who are interested can go to Cardmodel網站 or Ppxclub papermodel subforum to look for the download links. Despite the fact that it is a simplified one, it is still very pretty and enjoyable to toy with, have a try and you'll understand. ^^

The left templates are in original size, the right ones have been shrinked 30%

原大小的還好,縮小的就有點頭痛,整個頭只有1公分大小 ^^"
The smaller head is only a centimeter's size...^^

Here comes the body of Freedom Gundam ^^

腰部以及武器 (激光劍 + 鐳射槍/炮)
Waist and the light saber + cannon / laser around it

再來是一雙很漂亮的長腿~ (我不是長腿控,真的不是 XD)
Next is the legs of the gundam.

哇 洗金A~ 覺得關節給它做金色的比較漂亮的說 ^^
I'm fond of golden joints of some mechas, so I colored them gold ^^

Hmm, they stand pretty well~

To be continue....