I'm very sorry, the assembling process of the hands had been lost with my dead 500GB harddisc, its always a nightmare to loss data due to hardware failure, especially new one!!! ARGH! Enough said...let's start with the guns and shields making then.....
I'm very sorry, the assembling process of the hands had been lost with my dead 500GB harddisc, its always a nightmare to loss data due to hardware failure, especially new one!!! ARGH! Enough said...let's start with the guns and shields making then.....
Mini parts of the guns
Mini parts of the guns
槍把的位置需要先穿過手掌,否則就沒辦法握槍了 XD
Gotta place the handles into the palms before gluing them onto the guns, else it's impossible to squeeze the guns into those hands XD
Gotta place the handles into the palms before gluing them onto the guns, else it's impossible to squeeze the guns into those hands XD
一槍在手,天下我有~ (起笑。。。)
Gun holding pose....
Gun holding pose....
I like the shield very much, its very well-designed. ^^
Aren't they look cool! muahaha
Aren't they look cool! muahaha
Next are the wings!!! I've actually done with the wings back about two - three week's time, but some minor parts had been wrongly glued, causing the wings to have very limited movements; hence I decided to remake new pairs of wings.....which had been delayed by the catastrophe of my harddisc failure.... >_<
Some parts of the wings can be assembled without glue!
Some parts of the wings can be assembled without glue!
Moveable range of the wings
Quite nice effect....yeah?
最後就來看看整體吧~ 說實話,可動性高的紙模型呢,玩多幾次就會松松的了。 算是紙模型的先天不足的地方吧。。。或是期待高人發明比較好的關節吧~ (不過還是喜歡可動的^^)
Frankly, movable parts of papermodels tend to loosening up after toying around with it a couple of times, no cure to it too at the moment.....It'd be great if someone can come up with better joints or moving method. ^^
Essential during hot weathers ^^
~ 完 ~
The End
The End
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