Monday, May 24, 2010

超時空要塞-戰鬥囊機器人 Macross - Zentraedi Battlepod

不知道大家還記得"超時空要塞"這部動畫嗎?它算是我童年時候比較有印象的動畫,全因爲裏面強勁的戰鬥機能夠轉換成帥氣的機器人與敵人對抗,呵呵 敵人的造型也是比較特別的,猶如一顆長了兩條腿+很多槍砲的鐵球,這次分享給大家看的就是超時空要塞裏面的敵人-戰鬥囊機器人.這套紙模型是 Diego 先生的作品,很謝謝他的分享~ ^^
 I wonder how many of you still remember or heard of the anime Macross? It caught my attention during childhood all because of the fighting jets able to transform into robotic machines to fight with the enemies. Well, to be fair the enemy has very unique appearance too, a big metallic ball with two gigantic legs and alot of guns on it, known as the Zentraedi Battlepod XD This Zentraedi Battlepod papercraft is produced by Mr Diego, thanks for his sharing ~

The Body part of Battlepod

The guns and cannons of Battlepod ^^

長長的美腿,"水"喔 XD
Long Sexy Legs XD

Zentraedi Battlepod Complete!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

殘破的建築物 Ruin Building

這套建築物是韓國的一位資深紙模型玩家 Shy0221 所設計的,很感謝他大方的分享出來讓大家都可以享受到這套殘破的建築物。個人認爲這是很棒的作品,拿來搭配機器人或是人像來做成場景模更是一絕。
This set of ruin building is designed by Shy0221, a veteran papercraft designer from Korea. Thanks to his generosity we can now built ruin buildings with paper, it could be use for diorama or scenery background~ :D

Parts of Walls and Pllars of buildings

Broken Electric Pole

Stones and bricks

Let's have a look at all the parts

破損建築,完成 ^^
Ruin Completed!!!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

各種可愛的母親節賀卡 Lovely Mothers' Day Cards

很高興Canon Creative Park又爲了偉大的母親節公開了一系列的紙模型,有精美可愛的禮盒包裝,精致美觀的實體花紙模型,實際耐用的相框還有各式各樣的母親節賀卡。特意挑了幾款賀卡來玩,都是些簡單又不失可愛美觀的卡片呢~
Again Canon Creative Park has release a series of papercraft for Mothers' Day. There are Gift boxes, flowers paper model, photo frames and a wide variety of mothers day cards. Most of the cards are simple but lovely to be present. ^^

These are the simplest cards, no cutting or gluing needed.

Just write wishes in the empty area and with some folding

And its done ^^

Squirrel Family Card, more cutting needed

Remember to write at the back of the card before putting into envelope ^^

手提包賀卡是個很好玩的卡片 ^^
Handbag Card is very fun to play with, you will see why...

Space are provided at the back of Perfume, Bouquet and Mirror to write your wishes and the handbag is fairly easy to make ^^

You can either choose to give the Perfume

Or the lovely Bouquet?

Or the Mirror?

媽媽們那麽辛苦,還是全部都送給她們好了 ^^
Or all of them ~~~

Making of da Envelopes ^^

禮物盒賀卡, 開始有立體效果了~
Present Box Card with some Pop up effect~

Well, the small bouquet does the pop up effect~

立體花束賀卡, 很漂亮的卡片~
Roses Bouquet Pop-up Card

立體的花束效果...看不太出來 XD
Da Pop-up Bouquet

I personally likes this card very much ^^

立體茶杯賀卡, 效果出人意料的棒呢, 左邊是茶杯的零件,右邊是卡片的點綴零件
Tea Cup Pop Up Card, very nice looking card. Photo on the left is the parts of tea cup, while the right photo shows the deco that you can put on the card

完成后的茶杯賀卡, 是不是很好看~~~
Very interesting card, don't you think so? :P

All the cards for Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all Moms ^^
