不知道大家還記得"超時空要塞"這部動畫嗎?它算是我童年時候比較有印象的動畫,全因爲裏面強勁的戰鬥機能夠轉換成帥氣的機器人與敵人對抗,呵呵 敵人的造型也是比較特別的,猶如一顆長了兩條腿+很多槍砲的鐵球,這次分享給大家看的就是超時空要塞裏面的敵人-戰鬥囊機器人.這套紙模型是 Diego 先生的作品,很謝謝他的分享~ ^^
I wonder how many of you still remember or heard of the anime Macross? It caught my attention during childhood all because of the fighting jets able to transform into robotic machines to fight with the enemies. Well, to be fair the enemy has very unique appearance too, a big metallic ball with two gigantic legs and alot of guns on it, known as the Zentraedi Battlepod XD This Zentraedi Battlepod papercraft is produced by Mr Diego, thanks for his sharing ~
I wonder how many of you still remember or heard of the anime Macross? It caught my attention during childhood all because of the fighting jets able to transform into robotic machines to fight with the enemies. Well, to be fair the enemy has very unique appearance too, a big metallic ball with two gigantic legs and alot of guns on it, known as the Zentraedi Battlepod XD This Zentraedi Battlepod papercraft is produced by Mr Diego, thanks for his sharing ~
The Body part of Battlepod
The guns and cannons of Battlepod ^^
長長的美腿,"水"喔 XD
Long Sexy Legs XD
Zentraedi Battlepod Complete!