Monday, July 1, 2013

紙編熱氣球 Paper Hot Air Balloon

暌違了兩年多(其實是偷懶。。。),終于再度有機會回到了最愛的紙模愛好來了~~~ 太久沒動工了,怕手指不夠靈活(是有多僵硬啦!)技巧也生疏了(明明之前也沒半點。。。)所以就挑了 PinInterest 上碰巧看到的,很可愛的紙編熱氣球來熱身~~ ^_^ 作者的鏈接在這裡 PaperMatrix 網站

It's been more than two years since I last played any papercraft, kinda miss it :P How I wish it's 48hrs instead of 24 in a day! Recently I've been wandering around on PinInterest website (a great site with thousands of hobbies and DIY stuffs!) and came across this Hot Air Balloon paper weaving, it's so amazing! Hence,I wanna do some of my own using templates provided by the author~ ^_^ Links to the HotAir Balloon at PaperMatrix

These are the cut outs of patterns provided in the template. Basically a spiral shape and two little simple shape cut outs. In order to weave the hot air ballon, u will need two spiral shape cut outs.

To start with, place the two spiral shape with opposite side on each other, and then start the weaving, overlapping one and another.

After weaving for like 3rd or 4th layer, it will be weaving a round shape and it is time to use clips to enhance the weaving, otherwise it will be very loose and hard to continue weaving.

編織到最後就變成這個樣子,熱氣球出來了~~  ^_^
Continue weaving until the end, and you will have you hot air balloon shape!

Then move on to the little carriage of the hot air balloon, it is much easier compare to the weaving, but the outcome looks cute too.

Hot Air Balloon Completed!

Here is a marvelous photo of these hot air balloon by the author, great isn't it?

Monday, February 13, 2012

~ 2012 情人節 Valentine's Day ~

Happy Valentine's Day to all ^^

Monday, September 20, 2010

獅子 Lion - Canon

繼天鵝之後,這次做的是 Canon 的獅子,對比起 Yamaha 的獅子感覺上 Canon 的比較溫和,外表看起來也比較友善 (感覺上有在笑的樣子) XD 而且 Canon 的模通常都很好做,所以就打印出來做了。馬上來看看吧~ ^^

This time i am making the Lion from Canon. Comparing to the Lion from Yamaha, Canon's Lion looks friendly and more approachable. Why? Simply because it has a smile on its face! But I will be making Lion from Yamaha too after this. ^^

~ Lion's Head ~

Lion that ^^

Body parts

小腿以及腳掌都還不錯,就是尾巴感覺上太簡單了 :(
All these parts are nice except the tail, imo its too simple...

Let's now assemble the lion!

獅子的腿也蠻長的嘛 XD
Assemblying assembling...

The final outcome.



Sunday, September 19, 2010

白天鵝(佳能)White Swan (Canon)

停了蠻久一段時間沒玩紙模型,最近重新再出發~~~ 近期打算做一些可愛的動物紙模型,目前我個人比較喜歡的有 Canon, Epson 以及 Yamaha 的動物模。簡單、易做又不失可愛的外觀,實在是可愛型紙模迷的最佳選擇。就由佳能的美麗端莊又優雅的白天鵝來開始吧~ ^^
It's been quite a long time since I last made some papercrafts, but I am back again now..... I've always like animal papercrafts made by Canon, Epson and also Yamaha. Their designs are simple, the animals are easy to make and the final outcome are all very nice. Let's start with Canon's White Swan

Swan's Head

Swan's Neck

胸部 XD

天鵝修長的翅膀,最大的零件 ^^
Wings, these are the biggest parts.


Beautiful Swan on water!